Coaching is your sandbox
Together let’s play with your stuckness and mold it into new possibilities
My Tools
In our sandbox, I want you to have access to the best tools and resources.
I have an encyclopedic knowledge of self-help. I got started back in middle school when I read my mom’s parenting books. I’ve always been fascinated by how people’s minds work.
After 5 years researching psychology at Princeton, Harvard, and Cornell, I dropped out of my PhD.
I spent 3 years helping build a youth purpose coaching startup, nXu. I worked alongside leaders in education reform and combed through the best knowledge in social and emotional learning to create transformative learning experiences.
I have a very hungry brain. I’ve trained and studied in every healing modality I could get my hands on. Hanging out with me is sometimes a multimedia experience. I’m an aha architect and I pull from everything and everywhere from memes to research studies to poems.
My trauma-informed life coaching combines:
—Internal Family Systems (IFS) Level 1 & Level 2 (to be completed in 2024)
—IFSCA Stepping Stone with Derek Scott
—Numerous advanced trainings including studying with Ruth Culver, Robert Falconer, and Colleen West and Francois Le Doze
—Somatic Experiencing (SE) Practitioner Training with Dr. Maureen Gallagher and Dr. Abi Blakeslee (to be completed in 2024)
—Somatic EMDR through Embody Lab with Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, Dr. Arielle Schwartz, Karee Powers, Dr. Scott Lyons, and Craig Penner (to be completed in 2024)
—Sovereign Safety Masterclass with Sally Hardie
—Unshaming with David Bedrick
Integrative Hypnosis Training with Melissa Tiers (to be completed in 2024)
—Family Constellations with Luisa Muhr (to be completed in 2025)
—Usui Reiki Levels I & II with Mallory Combemale
—Energy Basics with Lynda Caesara (to be completed in 2025)
I spent 5 years conducting psychology research at Princeton (Class of 2013 Phi Beta Kappa—top 10% of my class, Magnum Cum Laude), Harvard (2 summers in the Gilbert Lab), and Cornell (PhD dropout)
—Integrative Change Work with Melissa Tiers & Simone Seol
—Power studies with Kasia Urbaniak
—The Tools by Phil Stutz
—Positive Intelligence (PQ) with Shirzad Chamine
—Play & Improv
—Design Thinking
—Experimental Design
You can learn more about me and my life story here.
My Philosophy
Everyone deserves an hour a week to play, turn inwards, imagine, and be WITNESSED.
Has a friend ever confided in you about a problem and you instantly knew what to do?
Often when we are looking at things from an outside vantage point, next steps seem obvious. But when it comes to our own lives, we can become so blended with our problems, we’re unable to zoom out and get a larger perspective.
As your coach, together we co-create deliberate space for you to try on new possibilities and explore a different perspective.
Sometimes a miracle is just one small shift in perspective away.
Our attention is one of our most valuable resources. How we direct it influences how we live our lives.
Where are you stuck in one half of an optical illusion? Unable to see the bunny rabbit? Or denying the possibility of the duck?
Where you focus gives you a completely different experience. The same is true for your life.
As Anaïs Nin says, “We see things not as they are, but as we are.”
Coaching helps you see the unique way you’re filtering reality so you can update it to match where you’re at.
Sometimes the best way to move forward with more clarity is to try on new possibilities. See if you like Option 1 better than Option 2 or Option 2 better than Option 3.
And Options 1 and 2 may be blurry and out-of-date defaults handed to us by our families of origin and society.
If there is always going to be a lens between us and reality, we want a custom up-to-date prescription that aligns with our current values.
Imagination and play are the most fun and fastest ways to find new options.
Look around at the wordl. As one of my teachers, Melissa Tiers, says, “This shit is all made up!” We might as well invent and choose the best options for ourselves.
Coaching helps you get off terrible seesaws that keep you stuck between options.
Coaching helps DETANGLE your thoughts and feelings so you can take aligned action.
And the best way to really know what you’re thinking and feeling is to bring awareness to your body and listen to it.
Your body is a GENIUS!
Our bodies take in 11,000,000 bits per second while our brains can only consciously process less than 50 bits per second (source).
Tuning into your body can take practice because we’ve been trained to live in our heads, but once you see all the wisdom that is inside you, there’s no going back.
When you tune into your body and delight in the present moment, it’s easy to ride your imagination toward your deepest desires.
I’ve spent years collecting and creating the best tools for moving through stuckness.
I’d love to help you connect more deeply to yourself, your purpose, your creative power, and your people.
Make your life a piece of art!
Read and watch more detailed testimonials here
That is a very good question! I believe fit is so important when hiring a coach. I want you to work with the person who is the best fit for you, whether that is me or someone else.
From personal experience I know that someone can be super qualified on paper but still not feel right. And that sense of safety and trust should be a non-negotiable.
I’ve designed my website to give you a sense of my vibe. Additionally, when we connect during your free 15-minute discovery call, ask yourself: Does my nervous system dance well with Devin’s? Do I feel safe and empowered in Devin’s presence?
I trust what you decide is right for you.
60 minutes virtually on Zoom
I recommend we meet weekly or every other week to keep up momentum. If you’re building a relationship with your inner world, that relationship like any relationship requires maintenance and regular check-ins.
Every month, I coach people for 3 weeks and then I take a week off from coaching. This integration period helps both my clients and me.
Most clients meet with me 2-3 times a month.
That is up to you! I recommend we work together for at least 6 months to work as deeply and thoroughly as possible.
But ultimately, how long we work together is up to you!
Some people are able to move through a lot in even 1-3 sessions.
The 60-minute sessions are held remotely via zoom. I am open to doing in-person intensives upon request.
Please email me for my most up-to-date rates.
Sadly, no. In the U.S., coaching and most alternative practitioners are not covered by insurance.
I am a trauma-informed life coach who is trained in a wide variety of modalities. I work with people’s unconscious minds and bodies to help people move through stuckness and get back to center.
I am not a licensed therapist or medical professional. I can’t diagnose any mental or physical health condition.
If you’re in active crisis or need specific help navigating a mental health diagnosis, a therapist would be a better fit.
I work with all kinds of adults. For my ADHD brain, variety is the spice of life!
Please email me with any questions you have or set up a free 15-minute discovery call