“Before I started working with Devin, I felt lost and frustrated trying to figure out what was going on all on my own. I’d tried lots of different kinds of coaching, but it was a mixed bag. Sometimes I found other coaches helpful and sometimes I wasn’t sure our sessions actually did anything. I wanted to try something new.
Working with Devin just felt so different than a lot of other people I’ve worked with. When you have a history of trauma, coaching and therapy sessions can often feel so heavy. Devin understands trauma and can see things from so many different angles. She both knows how to hold space and connect on a deep level, as well as how to make things light and fun.
Devin’s sessions just have this special quality. She’s not following specific steps, but instead she’s open and goes with the flow. She’s great at noticing. It felt so good when she named strengths and good qualities in me that I hadn’t noticed in myself.
Devin has easy access to so many different tools and then creates new custom tools on the spot. She made it clear that it was okay for me to be however I was and express whatever was working or not working in the session. I knew that whatever I shared with Devin would be understood.
Sometimes coaching relationships can feel oddly one-sided, like the coach knows so much about me, but I don’t know anything about the coach. I really appreciated the stories Devin shared from her own life. Devin made me feel so safe. She’s so open and friendly and fun and knowledgeable and confident. Devin is all the things you want in a coach.
After working with Devin, I feel more relaxed and more open. I am more comfortable tuning into how I’m feeling, and I’m more okay with however I’m feeling. I’ve taken steps toward seeing myself. I feel better able to take up space and more confident in owning my own skills and claiming what I know. It’s a new feeling.”
“Before working with Devin I was at a place where I kind of felt stuck. I had been through seasons of positive transition in my life, but I was looking to move forward with a creative, new approach. My biggest pain point was a lack of engagement. I felt like I wasn't maximizing my ability to connect with the right audiences.
I was drawn to Devin because of her professional online presence. I wasn’t sure what I was getting into, but Devin was a great listener. Devin made me feel so comfortable, even when I bared my soul to her (literally lol!). In our sessions, I felt like I had enough time to share and be listened to and for her to ask me thoughtful questions. I trusted her to guide me during the sessions.
Devin has such a warm, positive energy. She’s light-hearted, easy-going, exploratory, creative, and resourceful. Devin sent me lots of relevant resources between the sessions. I liked the introspective homework she assigned which got me thinking deeply about who I am right now and where I had journeyed from to get here.
Working with Devin helped me get closure on my past. She helped me excavate important clues and refocus. I was finally able to see I’m already in a good place. I just needed to talk things out with someone new. Our sessions helped me gain perspective on creative ways to engage audiences. I’m more focused on finding my community now.
Everyone needs reflective coaching in their lives! Especially entrepreneurs and professionals with high-stress jobs who need accountability for their weekly progress and help refocusing their objectives.”
“Before our session I felt powerless regarding food. It was almost as if there was something that stopped me from hydrating, eating healthier, and having more optimal habits regarding food and my body. I had tried willpower-based techniques. I created MyFitnessPal accounts to track calories and meal prepping. I explored other behavior techniques that helped me understand how to eat better portions of food. But I always felt that there was something deeper to examine that I couldn't work through and change by myself. I was curious about what I would discover in my shadow because that’s a place I don’t go to often because it can get painful. Coaches can often be missing in compassion.
I felt very safe with Devin. She listened in a non-judgmental way to me and my inner voice. I felt a lot of compassion from her. I loved the rhythm of our session. It was a co-creation. The vibe of the session was very distinct and hard to put into words. She has a very uplifting energy—her tone of voice, her smile. Devin creates a safe space without having to say anything. Her questions helped something unfold in me. I felt so in flow during the session. I love her passion and the activities she shared in the session. So not boring!
IFS seemed to do something very deep in terms of transformation. Now I’m feeling better than ever, more congruent and aligned with what I want to do. I experienced a shift in my relationship with food, becoming more mindful of my portions, which is a huge win. But the real victory is with my inner critic. I don't judge myself as often as I used to when I over eat or just think I’m overeating. Being compassionate to myself in this area is a step forward and so helpful. I got to know parts of me that have been hurt in the past. I helped these younger parts of me understand who I am today and where I am now. It felt so healing and powerful and beautiful. I'm so much more at peace regarding my relationship to food and my body. I feel more able to navigate through these topics. I've reconnected to my true self. I felt a shift in the way I allow myself to talk about what really matters for me. I feel more free, even though the circumstances of my life haven't really changed.
Devin helps you navigate through challenges and achieve a transformation you love. Her vibe would resonate with anyone. I think she’s a particularly great fit for LGBTQ+ people. It’s important that LGBTQ+ people have the chance to get in touch with the parts of themselves that have experienced an injunction to fit in their whole lives.”
—Jean Baptiste
“This was truly like no other coaching session I’ve experienced before.
I wanted to work through some fears I have about public speaking that have held me back from fully expressing myself/following my passion. In the past I’ve tried thought work and exposing myself to the fear and those things have for sure helped some.
But after one session with Devin, I have so much more clarity about the parts of me that have been holding me back and creating so much fear.
I don’t know how else to describe it but a giant explosion of self-love followed by a sense of calm that has persisted even when I think of the upcoming speech. I have a feeling this will be a game changer going forward.
Devin has a major gift for seeing right to the heart of a person and problem and sharing her insight in such a clear and beautiful way.”
Before I always felt like there was something heavy I was carrying. I had this discontent with my mom that would not move and felt constant. Devin helped me notice that I was judging myself for having this discontentment towards my mother in the first place. Through our sessions together I was able to transform my judgment of my negative feelings towards my mother. By allowing my negative feelings to exist and move, now the hatred toward my mother is gone. There’s more curiosity and openness inside me—I realized my mother was doing the best she could at the time. After working with Devin, the heaviness is not there. I understand myself more deeply.
During my childhood, I felt so alone and felt not good enough because I never felt like I belonged anywhere. Childhood sexual abuse led me to live in a fear-based way and negatively impacted how I viewed my self worth. I’d done some women’s group therapy, but it felt surface-level because we didn’t touch on deep-rooted traumas.
My inner child work I did with Devin helped me put so much together. I connected with that disconnected inner child who felt so separate from everyone. I realized we’re all one. It’s like I was a cup of water from the ocean, but didn’t realize I was part of the whole big ocean too. I contain parts and am part of something so much bigger. I feel much lighter about who I am. I realized I really hung onto a story and lived in the past, which held me back in many areas of my life. I can let go and release it.
This is 60. I spent so long judging some of the things that younger me was carrying. I feel more whole, like I’m coming home to myself.
Now when I get frustrated, I just get curious, relax, and feel less internal pressure. Having less pressure is so freeing to me. Before I was judging that I’m not good enough and now I’m like how can I use the skills I learned to connect with others?
Devin is very compassionate, caring, inviting, and encouraging, which made me willing to open up. I felt relaxed and non-judged and had a space where I could bring in things I had kept secret and hadn’t really shared with anybody else. During our sessions, I got the courage to bring it all up and lay it all out there and look at it and be open. I felt like I mattered and the stories I brought mattered.
Anything you’re having trouble holding together, Devin can help you put it together. I didn’t feel like I was pushed--she helped me guide myself to where I needed to go. This is amazing work for anyone. Devin is very good.”
-Jeana, Retired Veteran
“If you're up for entering a magical vortex of delightful embodiment practice, get Devin Karbowicz to coach you!!
I arrived inspired for the session, to ask Devin to help me connect with and bring out my inner Divine Feminine Muse (how cool is that, just the topic itself!!).
So check this out:
1 / First magic trick Devin asked me to do was to shut off the Zoom video for 2mins and go bring back something that represented my Divine Feminine energy. We came back on and surprised ourselves: I, being a visual artist, came back with a bunch of drawings while Devin herself came back with a beautiful sensual sash!! I LOVE this kinesthetic treasure hunt game!!
2/ Devin then proceeded to guide me to actually meet my Divine Feminine Muse using the staircase hypnosis and I was excited to find out it was Venus (from Botticelli's painting) herself hahaha!
3/ After that Devin held space for me to connect with my Inner Divine Feminine and rehearsed several scenarios of how it would feel and how I would embody this energy in different situations.
4/ We then went ahead to connect with my Inner Divine Feminine AND my Inner Child in trance – Little Mel – to introduce them to one another as I wasn't sure how to embody BOTH in my Joyful marketing of Mel's Magic. Turns out, both aspects of mine were not only delighted to meet each other but even came up with fantastic ways of collaborating – thanks to Devin's gentle prompting!
I came out of the session not only extremely resourced but bemused and inspired by the newly-founded super-duo and accomplices I had found in Venus and Little Mel to make Magic Mel and Mel's Magic even MORE brilliant, yeyyy!!! Thank you, Devin!!!”
“My session with Devin Karbowicz was so sweet. Devin generously offered to show me how she weaves her background in Internal Family Systems with Integrative Change Work tools. She led me through a magical session that had me crying and laughing and healing old wounds and ended with a visit to the spirit of my business (which manifested as a tiger 🐅). Devin held such a connected and warm space for me and I’d highly recommend her coaching to anyone.”
“I absolutely loved working with Devin! I have struggled with body image issues my entire life and have been in therapy and coaching for this for so long. In one session with Devin, I had a deep fundamental shift around this issue in the best way possible. Working with Devin made me realize that I have such an amazing power within myself to create change and her gentle guidance through different exercises and tools made my experience as a client so effortless. I am better able to understand myself, and I feel so much more in control moving forward (and in just one session!). Her work is so powerful!”
“One of the things I was working on was to let my body know that it’s safe for me to show up on social media.
Devin suggested using IFS (Internal Family System) to work through this, she said I’ll be able to talk to the different parts within myself, so I was really interested to give it a try.
The few parts I was able to connect with were fear, disappointment, high achiever, and inner critic.
Devin was able to guide me through talking to all of those parts, especially to my inner critic.
This is actually one of the huge things for me, because whenever my inner critic comes on, I’d get a headache. And the more critical it is, the more painful it’d be.
During the session, Devin asked me to give those harsh words back to my mom, or to whoever gave them to me. I gave all of them back, because they didn’t serve me anymore.
Right away, my headache subsided. And after her session, each time I notice my headache, I was able to let the harsh words go, and my headache would subside.
I was very excited about this! Because that means I can work on saying nicer things to myself.
I highly recommend working with Devin, so that you can get to know more about yourself!”
“I came to Devin hoping to un-stick some of my limiting beliefs around money; what I didn't expect was the amount of love, care and guidance with which it so easily happened. I came away from our time together lighter and with so much compassion for myself. Through her expertise in multiple healing modalities, Devin will meet you wherever you are and show you a loving path to where you want to be. Couldn't recommend working with her enough!”
“Working with Devin was an incredible experience. Her breath of knowledge of different coaching techniques and modalities is impressive. But more importantly, her warmth and sense of humour makes her very easy to talk to and open up with.
Devin instantly put me at ease. And then, as she expertly guided me through parts work, I was surprised to discover how the seemingly simple issue that I brought to her for coaching was in fact tied to much deeper issues related to my past experiences.
But because Devin is so good at leading this inner work with empathy and care, she was able to move me very quickly from problem identification, to gaining a better understanding of how the issue was playing out for me on many different levels, and then to creating an inner shift that felt profound and long-lasting.
I left feeling like I understood myself better, and like a certain perspective that had been holding me back in many areas of my life no longer had as much hold on me. The fact that this could happen so quickly blew me away. I highly recommend working with Devin!
“Devin truly has a gift—whenever I talk to her I feel so calm and my self-compassion awakens. Devin truly makes me feel seen and reflects back my own value to me so I can see it for myself in a new way. One IFS session with Devin and I had a huge breakthrough about the people pleasing side of myself—I haven’t had the kind of intense emotional spiral since and it was only one session…
Devin not only has the knowledge, she is also an amazing facilitator and energy holder. Her own personal story of triumph and strength makes me trust that she knows how hard it can be. I’m so grateful for the experiences I’ve had so far in Devin’s care and would be happy to return for more sessions.”